AirBrush for Mother’s Day by Martinha Barreto

A special day for everyone should be eternalized in a photograph. And, as much as we love a good pic, we also love a good edition, right?! That’s why, I’m here to give you some tips on how to transform a simple “sunday brunch” kinda pic in a beautiful tribut for Mother’s Day with AirBrush. Let’s get started!

Too bright!

First of all, go to your AirBrush app! Go to Tools > Enhance > Brightness and turn it up a little. However, you should only do it if your photo is a bit dark, like mine.

mother daughter outdoors
mother daughter photo editing















Next, we’ll go to “Bokeh” to make the background a bit blurry, there are different options to blur the background: round, triangles, hexagons or hearts. This time I picked “hearts”.

mother daughter sunny


Lastly, we choose a filter from the “Vintage” package to make this photo even more beautiful. My favorite, and the one I used in this photo is “Mint” but there are a lot you can choose from.

mother daughter editing picture

Before and After.

Tell me, what do you think about this before and after? And now, what photo are posting for Mother’s Day?

mother daughter before after


Don’t forget to eternalize in photos the moments you spend with your mom. Time passes quickly and every memory counts. Make photographs and make AirBrush your go-to when you need help making them look even prettier. And if you’re gonna post them on Instagram, don’t forget to tag @airbrush_br and use the hashtag #AirbrushMoms, for a chance to win one year of  AirBrush Black/Premium. Spread the love around!

Love, Martinha Barreto.